Children Draw War, Not Flowers

Through the lens of artwork by Ukrainian children, the emotional toll of war is on view in a special event at Fairfield University on Monday, November 25.

This event, free and open to the public, takes place at 7:00 pm in the lower level of the DiMenna-Nyselius Library on the university campus at 1073 North Benson Road, Fairfield.

The selection of Ukrainian children’s work is from an art therapy initiative titled “Children Draw War, Not Flowers.” It will be on display until the end of the fall semester. On the 25th, Dr. Ulia Gosart of San Jose State University leads a tour, and a short documentary is screened at 7:30.

The film, “A Woman at War,” is by Ukrainian filmmaker Volodymyr Sydko, chronicling the harrowing experiences of a female soldier on the front lines. After the screening, attendees are invited to participate in a discussion about the emotional and social impact of war on children and families in Ukraine and the role of art and storytelling in healing and raising awareness.

Prior to arriving in Fairfield, “Children Draw War, Not Flowers” was showcased at Loyola Marymount University. In early spring it will travel to the University of South Florida.

More information and registration (which is required) for the event can be found here.