Ribbon Cut on Pickleball Courts

Weston Today photos

A ribbon-cutting ceremony on Friday afternoon marked the official opening of pickleball courts at Bisceglie-Scribner Park, which soft-opened to players a few weeks ago.

Construction of the three courts, located a short walk from the parking lot along the path that leads to the pond, was partly funded by some of Weston’s ARPA allocation. The project has long been a priority for Parks and Recreation Director Dave Ungar, who said he has received a large and steady volume of requests for the courts since the game first became popular.

Several players took to the courts after First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor led a ribbon-cutting ceremony, flanked by Mr. Ungar, Program Director Joe Parciasepe, State Senator Ceci Maher, State Rep. Anne Hughes, and members of the Parks and Recreation Commission.