Domestic Violence Awareness Month

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In a ceremony on the steps of Town Hall on Tuesday, First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor and Selectman Kerem Dinlenc read a proclamation declaring October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

They were joined by Chief Ed Henion, Sgt. Joe Miceli, and Detective Joe Mogollon of the Weston Police, Allison Lisbon and Rashida Miller of Human Services, and Domestic Violence Crisis Center executive director Suzanne Adam and members of her team.

The Center provides support for those experiencing domestic violence, including a hotline at (203) 588-9097. The services are free, confidential, multilingual and multicultural. Help is also available from the state’s Safe Connect Hotline at (888) 774-2900.

The proclamation is reproduced below.

Ms. Adam


WHEREAS, In the Town of Weston, Connecticut in recognition of the important work done by survivors, domestic violence programs and victim service providers, I urge all citizens to participate in activities and programs sponsored by the Domestic Violence Crisis Center and other community organizations to work toward the elimination of domestic violence; and

WHEREAS, In the state of Connecticut, 37% of women and 33% of men experience intimate partner violence and/or intimate partner sexual assault in their lifetimes. Domestic violence can happen to anyone irrespective of gender identity, race, sexual orientation, religion, age, socioeconomic status, or ability; and

WHEREAS, Domestic violence is a public health crisis that requires community-wide involvement to solve. It impacts the individual, their family, friends, and our community at large. Growing up in a home with domestic violence is the strongest predictor of becoming a victim or an abuser as an adult. For this reason, raising public awareness and providing prevention education about the dynamics of domestic violence are critical to breaking generational cycles of abuse; and

WHEREAS, The trauma related to domestic violence places an enormous burden on its victims. Even when survivors can break free from the abuse, they face significant barriers, including finding affordable housing and childcare. Domestic violence is the leading cause of homelessness for women and children, and safe housing remains the most urgent need for survivors; and

WHEREAS, Domestic Violence Awareness Month provides an important opportunity to enhance education, prevention and intervention efforts around domestic violence, and join concerned individuals and organizations, like the Domestic Violence Crisis Center in their fight to eradicate domestic violence. Through this proclamation, we mourn those we have lost, and honor and support all survivors as they courageously move forward to enjoy full and healthy lives.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor by virtue of the authority vested in me, do hereby announce, and proclaim October 2024 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Witness my hand the seal of the Town of Weston, this first day of October 2024.

Samantha Nestor
First Selectwoman, Town of Weston, Connecticut

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