At Town Hall, a 9/11 Remembrance

Weston Today photos

A ceremony was held this morning on the Town Green, a remembrance of six Weston residents who perished in the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor, the heads of Weston emergency response agencies, and guests honored the lives of Scott T. Coleman, Keith E. Coleman, Robert T. Jordan, Glenn D. Kirwin, Robert A. Lawrence, Jr., and Bradley H. Vadas.

After welcoming remarks by Ms. Nestor, Police Chief Ed Henion led the Pledge of Allegiance and EMS Chief Michael Schlechter lowered the American flag to half staff. Weston Volunteer Fire Department Chief John Pokorny read the names of those lost and placed flowers on the bench where the names are inscribed. Mark Goldenberg played Taps, and Craig Cohen, the WVFD president, spoke of the tragic, shocking events 23 years ago to the day.

From left to right: Chief Schlechter, Chief Henion, Chief Pokorny, Mr. Cohen, Ms. Nestor.

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