Republican Committee Seeks Applicants

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The Weston Republican Town Committee seeks applicants to fill vacancies on two elected boards and several appointed Town boards, commissions, and committees.
Please submit letters of interest and resumes to Britta Lerner, Chair, Weston RTC Campaign and Candidate Recruitment Committee, P.O. Box 1012, Weston, CT 06883. Or email
Vacancies for elected positions include one on the Police Commission and one on the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Police Commission
The Weston Police Commission consists of a group of seven elected officials. The commission’s role is to ensure that the town has one of the best police forces in the state. The commission works to:
- Hire officers who are a good fit for the department and the town.
- Ensure that the department is aware of budget constraints.
- Continue to move the police department forward.
In general, the role of a Police Commission is to:
- Represent the voice of the people in policing.
- Ensure that the police service is effective and efficient.
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Weston Zoning Board of Appeals consists of five elected officials plus three alternates. The primary responsibility of the board is to review requests for variances from zoning regulations where strict enforcement would cause unusual hardship.
Appointed boards
The RTC also seeks applicants to fill vacancies on the following appointed Town boards. Volunteering to work with one of these amazing teams of Westonites is a great way to serve our town and immerse yourself in this special community. The opportunities are:
- Board of Assessment Appeals Alternate
- Building Board of Appeals
- Conservation Commission
- Board of Ethics
- Historic District Commission Alternate
- Library Board
- Panel of Moderators
- Parks and Recreation Commission
- Commission for the Arts
- DEI Advisory Committee
- Veterans Affairs Committee