Weston Man a Possible Storm Fatality

The Fairfield Police Department reports that a body found in the Aspetuck River on Thursday evening has been identified as Weston resident Robert Macisaac, 59.
According to the report, Mr. Macisaac’s death “could be related” to severe weather conditions on Sunday, and noted that “the official cause of death will be determined by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.”
Around noon on Thursday, a motor vehicle was found submerged in the river behind Aspetuck Falls in Fairfield. Mr. Macisaac lived nearby, on Sawmill Road in Weston.
An immediate investigation by Fairfield police officers, including a diver, determined that no one was inside the vehicle nor in the water in the immediate vicinity. But evidence suggested that the operator “may have been inside when the vehicle entered the water” and that the vehicle had been there for several days.
A recovery operation was launched when investigators learned that Mr. Macisaac and his vehicle were last known to be in Wilton on Sunday night. The search involved a number of Fairfield Police personnel, officers from the Weston and Westport police departments, the State Police Aviation Unit, and the State Police Search and Rescue K9 Unit.
Mr. Macisaac’s body was found in the Aspetuck River near Bayberry Lane and Easton Road in Westport at 5:24 pm.