Application Filed for Second Village District

Illustration, Weston Today

An application filed with the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 25 proposes to create a second Village District in Weston, rezoning five residential properties to allow commercial use.

As proposed, the “Good Hill Village District” would be created at the intersection of Good Hill Road and Weston Road (Route 57), encompassing Good Hill Road numbers 1, 4, 5, 8, and 12.

Number 1 is Weston Gardens. Number 12 is the Norfield Grange. Numbers 5 and 8 are private residences. So is number 4, whose owner, Sasa Mahr-Batuz, has submitted the zoning application.

In the illustration at the top of the page, the approximate borders of the proposed Good Hill Village District are in red, with the affected properties contained inside.

Public hearing scheduled

On August 5, the Planning and Zoning Commission routinely voted to receive the application and schedule a public hearing for September 9. There was no discussion, nor an appearance by Mr. Mahr-Batuz or his attorney, Eric Bernheim.

The application does not provide a specific vision of what would be built in such a district, but describes a purpose to “promote further growth along this critical route through Weston, extend the desirability of visitors to spend time (and money) in Weston, all the while preserving the New England, small-town character” of the town.

Also unknown at the moment — and potentially an open question until the public hearing — is how the several affected property owners feel about the proposal.

Early indications are that some oppose the plan, and a complaint has been filed at Town Hall alleging that a business at 4 Good Hill Road (the parcel owned by Mr. Mahr-Batuz) is already operating in violation of zoning regulations.

As it happens, that property has been on the market for several months, described as a renovated three-bedroom residence with a renewed barn and a private art museum, on three acres, listed for $3,750,000.

Proposed regulations

The application submitted by Attorney Bernheim, who did not respond to a request for comment, includes a draft of proposed zoning amendments that would apply to the Good Hill Village District.

For the most part, the draft mirrors regulations for the existing Weston Village District in the center of town. Exceptions are limits on the size and number of bedrooms that could be built in residential units.

As proposed, units up to 1,800 square feet and up to three bedrooms would be allowed. Current regulations cap square feet at 1,200 and bedrooms at two.

The proposed increased limits are identical to ones presented in an informal pre-application discussion with P&Z on July 1 by Able Construction, also represented by Mr. Bernheim. Able Construction hopes to build retail space and residential units at 176 Weston Road, one of the town center’s four corners. A formal application has not yet been submitted.

Related Story:

July 3, 2024:  P&Z Hears Development Proposal

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