Well Water Workshop, June 12

A workshop in Redding on June 12 is an opportunity to learn about the quality of water from your private well and, if you choose, have it tested for possible contaminants at low cost.
The workshop, conducted by UConn Extension and made possible by a U.S. Department of Agriculture grant, takes place from 6:00 to 7:00 pm at the Redding Community Center, 37 Lonetown Road in Redding.
Space is limited, so registration is required.
As you complete the registration form, you will be asked if you would like to have your own well water tested. If so — and if you register by June 7 — a sampling kit will be sent by mail.
Bring the sample to the workshop. It will be tested for the state’s basic drinking water standards and for metals like arsenic and lead. The test fee is $50, considerably less than the amount a commercial lab would likely charge. (Samples will not be processed without payment.)
Should you have questions, contact Alec Janis by email or call Michael Dietz at (860) 486-2436.
UConn Extension is an educational outreach program conducted by faculty from UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, connecting the university’s research with residents and businesses in the state.