Valedictorian, Salutatorian Named

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Weston High School has announced the valedictorian and salutatorian for the graduating class of 2024: Sophie Rutkowski as the valedictorian and Natasha Jain as salutatorian.
Sophie Rutkowski
Sophie’s dedication to science and research over the past four years has led her to explore various subjects and projects. Among them, Sophie presented her research at the 2023 Annual North American Black Fly Association, did independent study on Eastern European literature, STEM project research, and worked on her endometrial cancer research project.
As a musician, Sophie finds solace and joy in playing the flute and piccolo. Music serves as her escape, providing balance and happiness in her life. She has been an active member of various ensembles including Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz, and Pit Orchestra, and has earned a place in the Tri-M Music Honor Society. Sophie’s love for music extends beyond her school, and she shares her talent with the community whenever possible.
Sophie has demonstrated her commitment to serving others through her active volunteering with Music Mentors, National Honor Society, Lachat Town Farm, and Weston Swim Team community service, among other organizations.
Her academic achievements include being recognized as an AP Scholar with Distinction, a testament to her exceptional performance in her Advanced Placement exams. Some of Sophie’s other honors include the University of Michigan Book Award, The Marie Curie Award, and being a member of the National Junior Classical League Latin Honor Society.
Sophie has been a dedicated swimmer since childhood, part of Weston High Swim and Dive team, developing as a supportive teammate and forming lasting friendships. Her commitment to academics and athletics has earned her recognition as a Scholar Athlete for four consecutive years.
In the fall, Sophie will attend Columbia University.
Natasha Jain
Natasha is eagerly anticipating her graduation from Weston High School and she has been a proud Westonite since the first grade. She is a member of several student-run clubs including the Green Team and Fighting Against Climate Injustice, which carry out environmental conservation projects and fundraisers in the school and town. She is also a member of the Mock Trial team and has been competing in regional competitions since middle school. Natasha plays the clarinet in the school Wind Ensemble as well as the piano outside of school. She was awarded membership in both the National Honor Society and the National Spanish Honor Society.
Outside of school Natasha loves teaching younger kids and works many hours a week at Kumon, which is an after school educational program tutoring both math and reading. She has also spent many hours helping coach the junior Mock Trial team at Weston Middle School.
Natasha is also an avid accomplished dancer in the Indian classical dance form of Bharatanatyam and recently performed a three hour on-stage solo dance performance with live musicians for an audience of over 100 people. This formal performance is called an Arangetram, which translates to “ascending the stage” and is indicative of successful transitioning from student to professional dancer.
Natasha is very excited to be entering Tufts University near Boston, Massachusetts in the fall of 2024 with a planned major in neuroscience.
The Weston school community and teachers have been remarkable in supporting and mentoring these two talented girls throughout their high school journey, enabling them to achieve their accomplishments.