New Proposal, New Referendum Set

Weston Today photo
Referendum round two for the capital improvements budget takes place on Saturday, May 18, once again by machine ballot at Town Hall from noon to 8:00.
The vote on capital items ended in a tie on May 4, a result confirmed by a Registrars canvass four days later.
On the 18th, the public will be asked to approve (or not) a new capital budget proposal put forth on a 4–3 vote by the Board of Finance on Thursday evening, the four Democrats in favor, the three Republicans opposed.
The new proposal, moved by board chair Michael Imber as “more than an equitable compromise,” bottom-lines at $3,280,475. That is $606,171 less than the one first voted by the Board of Finance — also split on party lines — but restores $450,000 to the version that emerged from the ATBM, the one left undecided by the first referendum.
Restored were $225,000 for the first installment of sidewalk construction costs, $75,000 to audit LED lighting at the school district, and $150,000 for engineering and planning to replace the Town Hall Annex modular unit.
Not restored were $606,171 to actually replace the Annex, or at least to begin to, by laying the groundwork, starting with a fire suppression system.
The Board also voted a cut to the debt service budget — this one was unanimous — by deleting $189,312 designated for the first lease payment on a new Town Hall Annex modular, presumably because that project, at least for now, is in limbo. The debt service budget is not subject to a public vote.
Absentee ballots for the May 18 referendum will be available at the Town Clerk’s office from Friday, May 10 through Friday, May 17 from 9:00 am until 4:30 pm.