Annual Town Budget Meeting, Wednesday

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Budgets proposed by the Board of Finance for Town operations, school district operations, and capital expenditures go before voters at the Annual Town Budget Meeting (ATBM) on Wednesday, April 24 at 8:00 pm in the Weston High School auditorium.

Check-in with the Registrars of Voters begins at 7:00 pm.

To participate, you must be a registered voter in Weston or an owner of property on the town’s Grand List that is taxed on an assessed value of at least $1,000. You must also be at least age 18.

If there is a quorum of at least 130 qualified voters, the meeting proceeds with discussion and voting on motions. Absent a quorum, the meeting immediately adjourns.

Motions can be made and voted up or down to reduce — but not increase — line items on the Town operating budget, the single line for the total school operating budget, and items in the combined capital budget.

Once the meeting adjourns, voting in the Budget Referendum begins that evening by machine ballot, which contains three separate yes-or-no questions asking whether each budget as proposed or amended should be approved.

The Referendum vote is scheduled to resume on Saturday, May 4 in the Town Hall Meeting Room from 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm.

Absentee ballots, budget information

Absentee ballots for the Referendum can be picked up in person during normal business hours at the Town Clerk’s office beginning on Thursday, April 25. Completed ballots must be returned to Town Hall by 8:00 pm on Saturday, May 4, when polls close for the Referendum.

The official Town notice of the ATBM, which contains a list of budget items and amounts, can be viewed and downloaded here.