Bernard Zimmerman, 91

Bernard Zimmerman (Bernie), 91, of Weston, CT, passed away peacefully on April 4, 2024.
Bernie was born in Brooklyn on December 7, 1932. He lived with his wonderful mother, Pauline, and his brother Herman (Zimmie). He graduated from Boys High School in 1950 and went on to earn a business degree from Baruch College in 1954. He also earned a Master of Business Administration from NYU in 1957 and became a Certified Public Accountant in 1960. He honorably served in the Army from 1955-1957. During all of this he supported himself and his family.
Bernie helped many companies achieve financial success including Unity Buying Service and Sbarro. He loved everyone he worked with and was as known as Mr. Z. He gave legendary holiday gifts, and everyone looked forward to the big surprise. He was also known about town and everyone that ran into him couldn’t wait to hear one of his stories.
He is survived by his beautiful wife and love of his life, Joyce Zimmerman. They have been married since December 24, 1960, and have known each other for over 67 years. He is also survived by his son, Wayne Zimmerman and daughter, Ellen Spear (Rick). The family moved from their home in Brooklyn, NY to Weston, CT and lived there for 45 years. 18 High Meadow was a center of love and a place for gardening, family parties, gymnastics, grand kids, friends, and all sorts of happiness!
His biggest pride and joy are his two granddaughters, Phoebe and Hallie Spear. If you want to know what love is, all you need is to be in a room with Papa and Joyce. They had all sorts of adventures over the years and spending time together was his greatest happiness.
Some of the things Bernie loved most — not in any order:
Gardening, Cadillacs, the Baron Conference, Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser, the WSJ, annual reports, old time musicals, his friends, many who were from high school and college, seeing people he knew at various spots in Westport (the diner, Golds, the Y) and beyond, stories, telling stories about us, telling stories about the Army, stocks, Brooklyn bialys and black forest cake, Yulee and Mina, and most all of his mom Pauline, his true love and wife, Joyce and his beloved granddaughters, Phoebe and Hallie.
A special thank you to the kind and generous staff at RVNA Hospice. We appreciate all their emotional support throughout this difficult journey.
In lieu of flowers, the family has asked for contributions to MIB Agents ( — a nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of Osteosarcoma patients, or RVNA (