Students Raise Funds for Pollinators

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Students in Weston High School’s Sustainable Living class are raising funds to transform a vacant courtyard into a pollinator garden, aiming to increase the population of native species and encourage biodiversity in the space.

A before and planned-after view
The effort is well on its way. More donations, which can be made here, will put the initiative over the finish line.
The garden will be in an interior courtyard, about 30 feet by 41 feet, that is in full view on three sides by the entire student body.
Plans include having the garden serve as a habitat for butterflies, insects, and birds. It will also host beehives that have been donated, giving students an opportunity to see bees in action in a safe environment.
Seeds grown in a native seed nursery will be sold by students or used for more native plantings on campus. Students in AP environmental classes will be able to study soil improvement, and the garden will be a kind of laboratory for scientific experiments.

About 50 students in environmental science classes taught by Michael Aitkenhead are responsible for the various tasks involved in the project.