Town Green to Go Native

Tammi Mild/Adobe Stock
A garden specifically designed to showcase the beauty and benefits of landscaping with native plants, trees and shrubs is planned for Weston’s new Town Green in a joint effort by the Beautification Committee, Weston Garden Club, and the Pollinator Pathway.
The groups have launched a drive to raise money for the project by April 4, by which time a dollar-for-dollar match, up to $4,200, is available from the Sustainable CT Community Matching Fund.
Donations can be made here.
With the match, costs would be covered for plantings, signage and markers that help visitors identify varieties of plants, birdbaths and birdhouses, and pathways through the beds.
The groups say the Town Green Native Garden, aimed at both gardeners and non-gardeners, is intended to demonstrate the relationship between native plants, beneficial insects, native birds, and a healthy ecosystem.
The hope is that visitors will enjoy the beauty of the garden and possibly be inspired to adapt it for their own home landscaping, thus benefitting everyone with a healthier and more biodiverse environment.