Early Voting Set for Presidential Primary

danielfela/Adobe Stock

Connecticut holds in-person voting for its Presidential Preference Primary on Tuesday, April 2. Absentee ballots will be available and, for the first time, voters can cast ballots early, on four days at the end of March.

Voting in the April 2 primary takes place from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm at Weston Middle School (rear entrance).

Early voting (in person) is available at Town Hall from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on March 26, 27, 28, and 30 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday).

Absentee ballots will be available from the Town Clerk beginning on Tuesday, March 12. You can also apply for an absentee ballot online here.

To vote in either the Democratic or Republican primary, you must be a registered voter for that party. The deadline to change party affiliation passed in January.

However, if you are not registered, or if you are registered Unaffiliated, you have until March 15 to register online as a Democratic or Republican voter. You have until noon on April 1 to do so in person.

If you are not sure about your voter registration status, you can check it here.