Discuss Legislation and Priorities, Feb. 3

Sen. Maher, Rep. Hughes, First Selectwoman Nestor
On February 3, a discussion at the Weston Public Library is an opportunity to hear from and share your views about current civic matters and the upcoming session of the legislature, where a number of important measures will undoubtedly be brought to the floor.
Weston Today hosts “Community Conversation: Legislation & Priorities,” a discussion with State Senator Ceci Maher, State Representative Anne Hughes, and First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor.
It starts at 10:30 am in the library’s Community Room. Signing up will help us plan, but is not required.
On the table
Issues likely to be raised in the General Assembly’s 12-week “short session” include affordable housing, health insurance, and election security.
The legislature makes adjustments to the biennial budget in even-number years, so there is likely to be a certain amount of push and pull between Governor Lamont’s insistence on adhering to fiscal guardrails and calls for increased spending on services.
There seems little doubt that attention will be given to the proposed phase-out of the sale of gas-powered vehicles, a matter that was briefly considered for a special session.
In short sessions, bills can only be raised by committees, not individual legislators. So a certain amount of persuasion of colleagues is required to advance key initiatives. Both Senator Maher and Rep. Hughes say it helps to know what you want them to push for. And against.