Drives Benefit Kids and Families

Contributed photos

The Weston Kiwanis club pitched in to help kids and families in November, running a successful food drive at Weston Shopping Center and donating winter coats to a Norwalk program.

On the 18th, members of Kiwanis and the Weston High School Key Club accepted donations of nonperishable food and healthcare products at Lily’s Weston Market and Weston Pharmacy. Items collected stocked the shelves of the Weston Food Pantry.

Earlier in the month, with the help of individual contributions and support from the Weston Kiwanis Foundation, 138 coats were donated to Norwalk’s Operation Head Start to keep children in the program warm this winter.

About the Food Pantry

The Weston Food Pantry helps families deal with food insecurity by providing free, nonperishable food. It is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit run by volunteers. Currently, over 70 Weston families qualify for the assistance.

Donations can be made throughout the year. The Food Pantry is located at the Emmanuel Church basement, 285 Lyons Plain Road, where items can be dropped off on Friday afternoons from 4:00 to 5:00. Items can also be dropped off at the Camelot Real Estate office in the Weston Shopping Center seven days a week during business hours.

Donations of nonperishable shelf-stable food, toiletry products, and cat and dog food are always welcome. Financial donations can be made by Venmo to @Weston-Foodpantry or by check payable to the Weston Food Pantry and mailed to 26 Riverfield Drive, Weston CT 06883.

In the photos at the top of the page, on the left at the food drive, from left to right, Avery Bartley, Ed Hutchins, Nicholas Masters, Karen Chrisley, Jack Thorsby, Dave Burns, Harvey Luft, Dallas Kersey, Joan Clayton, Surayya Chaudhry, Michael Schwartz, and Zain Chaudhry.

On the right at Operation Head Start, Kiwanis members Bill Brady and Frank Ferrara with the kids and a staff member.