Statement from Stephan Grozinger

Statement from Stephan Grozinger:

As every Weston resident is by now aware, lawn signs mocking Sam and Tony were anonymously installed around town over the weekend.

Kerem and I have received inquiries from individuals who assumed that we were either directly responsible for the lawn signs or that we were complicit in them in some manner. As the signs attack our competitors, we can understand why one might make that assumption. Nothing could be further from the truth.

We immediately condemned the signs on social media and must reiterate our position here: we had no involvement with the signs whatsoever and no foreknowledge of them whatsoever. We do not know who is responsible for the signs.

A principal reason we entered the race was to improve the tone and dialogue in Weston government. It is a pillar of our campaign. The signs’ mocking tone and anonymity further denigrate what we are trying to elevate. Above all, Sam and Tony are not only our competitors, but also our personal friends. We regret that they have been attacked in this childish manner.

Stephan Grozinger

Mr. Grozinger is the Republican nominee for First Selectman.