Gavin Villepigue Earns Eagle Scout

Weston Boy Scout Troop 788 is pleased to announce that Gavin Marlowe Villepigue has achieved Boy Scouting’s highest rank, that of Eagle Scout. Along with his Eagle rank, he also earned the Bronze, Gold and Silver Palms which represent fifteen additional badges above the required twenty one badges.
The ceremony was held at Norfield Congregational Church Hall and was led by Scoutmaster Jared Mittleman. Gavin’s older brother, Noel, an Eagle Scout with the Troop, participated in the ceremony by reading the Eagle Charge and was the first one to welcome Gavin into the Eagle Scout brotherhood.
Gavin began his Scouting career as a Tiger Scout with Weston Pack 75 and continued through Cub Scouting to achieve the highest award, the Arrow of Light. After becoming a Boy Scout, he continued his commitment to Scouting by serving as a Den Chief to Pack 75, as well as Chaplain’s Aide in his Troop. During his time as a Boy Scout he earned the BSA World Conservation Award and The Environmental Protection Agency Award.
For his Eagle Scout Service Project, “Kicking it for Soccer,” Gavin chose Rush Equipment Assisting Children (REACH) as the beneficiary. He set up six collection sites all over Fairfield County. Gavin collected over 500 pieces of soccer equipment and led fellow Scouts and other volunteers in cleaning and repairing the equipment. Once the equipment was ready, REACH distributed them to underprivileged athletes both locally and in Costa Rica.
During the Eagle Court of Honors, Gavin was presented with various congratulatory citations from CT Attorney General William Tong, Congressman Jim Himes, Representative Anne Hughes, and First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor. He was also recognized for his community service and presented with the Jefferson Youth Award for Outstanding Commitment to Public Service.
Gavin is entering sophomore year at Weston High School and recently received the Gold Level of The President’s Volunteer Service Award. He is also on the WHS Principal’s Honor Roll, the WHS Mock Trial Team, Senator of WHS Student Government, Vice President of the American Heroes Club, Student Fundraising Chair for the Weston Education Foundation, Treasurer of the Cultural Linguistics Preservation Society, goalie for the WHS Soccer team and plays on the WHS Basketball team.
Outside of school, Gavin volunteers his time as a founding member and financial analyst of the CT Chapter of the Joshua’s Heart Foundation. He is a member of the Mensa Honor Society as well as a Youth Advisory Board member for both Scholastic Inc. and the Kroger National Council for Zero Hunger and Zero Waste Initiative. He is also an Ambassador for the UNA-USA Community Program and received a grant from the Hershey’s Heartwarming Foundation to continue his community service projects.