RTC Seeks Candidates for Appointment

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The Weston Republican Town Committee is seeking a candidate for appointment to the Conservation Commission. The Commission is an important agency that must balance individual Weston resident’s interest in developing their property and the interests of the Town in preserving wetlands and watercourses. It consists of seven members appointed by the Board of Selectmen for four-year terms.
In addition, the RTC is seeking a candidate for appointment to the Building Board of Appeals. This critical Board consists of five members appointed by the Board of Selectmen for five-year terms. It is the board that hears appeals when a building official rejects or refuses to approve a permit or issues a cease-and-desist order.
Please contact the Candidate Recruitment Committee if you are interested:
Britta Lerner: (917) 670-4391 (cell or text)
Email: birchhill.household@gmail.com.
Judy Stripp: (203) 451-6569 (cell or text)
Email: js.stripp@gmail.com
Other open positions include:
- Parks & Recreation Commission
- Veterans Affairs Committee
- Commission for the Arts
- Board of Ethics
- Marketing & Communications Committee Alternate
- Panel of Moderators
- Historic District Commission Alternate
- Sustainable Weston
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Advisory Committee