Lisa Brodlie Wins Environmental Award

Bill McKinney, Lisa Brodlie. Jim McMorris photo

On April 29, the Weston Kiwanis club presented its annual Millie Best Environmental Award to Lisa Brodlie.

Ms. Brodlie was cited for her involvement with Aspetuck Land Trust, The Nature Conservancy, and all town preserves. She is particularly active in the battle against invasives and is a member of the Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group. She is also a key figure in the Pulling Together program, where invasives are removed at Lachat Town Farm and the schools.

The Millie Best Environmental Award was established in 2005. The late Ms. Best was a Weston resident whose idea of Green Up Day in the early 1970s was meant to encourage volunteers to clean up litter along roads. Over the years, her efforts engaged thousands of volunteers. In the mid-1990s, Green Up Day was declared an annual statewide observance on last Saturday of April.