Book Sale Set for The Westport Library

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A major book sale running at The Westport Library on Friday, May 5 through Monday, May 8 features thousands of gently used books for children and adults, vintage and antiquarian books, music CDs, and DVDs.

Special interest items include books donated from the homes of an NBC Sports producer, a philanthropist, and volumes from the collection of Joseph A. Califano, Jr. signed by political leaders, journalists, authors, and entertainers.

Also in the mix: a collection of works by or about James Joyce, a large number of history books, and a conference room filled with hardcover fiction, mystery, science fiction and fantasy books, young adult fiction, and paperback novels, each priced at one dollar.

Vinyl records and a small number of graphic novels and manga will be available only at the Westport Book Shop, which is across Jesup Green from the library.

Admission is free, and at press time early admission tickets were still available for purchase online. Those tickets, $35 plus a processing fee, admit holders for early access on Friday the 5th from 8:45 am to noon.

Regular hours for the book sale are:

Friday, May 5: Noon to 6:00 pm.
Saturday, May 6: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Sunday, May 7: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Monday, May 8: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

On Sunday, almost everything is half price, except for fiction in the $1 room. On Monday, buyers can fill a logo bag for $8, fill one of their own equivalent-sized bag for $5, or purchase individual items for half price.