Town Democrats Propose Slate

Samantha Nestor and Tony Pesco. Weston Today
The Weston Democratic Town Committee has announced its proposed slate for this year’s municipal election, following an April 19 DTC meeting where candidates were unanimously recommended by members.
Formal party endorsements will be voted at the Democratic caucus in July.
For offices that will be on the ballot in November, the DTC recommended First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor for reelection and former Board of Education chair Tony Pesco for the Board of Selectmen.
For the Board of Finance, the committee tabbed Chris Bryant and incumbents Amy Gare, Jeff Goldstein, and Michael Imber.
For the Board of Education, recommendations went to Steve Ezzes, Sharon Ferraro, and Chad Hoeppner. All are current members of that board.
Beth Gralnick and David Muller were backed for reelection to the Board of Police Commissioners.
Planning and Zoning Commission recommendations went to Gus Christensen and incumbent Michael Reiner. Barbara Reynolds was recommended for reelection to the Board of Assessment Appeals, as were Jim Low and Ilene Richardson to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Three current Democratic members of key boards declined to seek reelection: Ken Edgar for the Planning and Zoning Commission, Don Scarborough for the Zoning Board of Appeals, and Max Rosenthal for the Board of Finance.
At press time, the intentions of current Board of Selectmen member Martin Mohabeer are not clear. Endorsed by the DTC and elected in 2021, this year Mr. Mohabeer declined to be interviewed by the committee for its possible recommendation.
“We are proud of the DTC’s candidate selection process and the outcome,” said DTC chair Gayle Weinstein in a statement. “Our slate is a strong mix of both proven incumbents and new candidates that reflect the best of Weston. Their experience and dedication to service will help ensure continued, positive forward movement for Weston.”
Ms. Weinstein said developing the proposed slate began with an outreach to registered Democrats in town who were invited to contact the committee if they were interested in serving. A search committee conducted interviews with those who responded, and the final set of recommended candidates was submitted to a vote by the DTC membership.