Nutrition Series Launches at Lachat

Natalia Lisovskaya/Adobe Stock
A five-part series of educational programs about nutrition kicks off at Lachat Town Farm on April 26 in a partnership with Yale New Haven Hospital.
Two registered dietitians — Erica Lowenkron and Ilisa Nussbaum — will lead the discussion with a 25-minute presentation followed by a Q&A. The sessions start at 7:00 pm in the Lachat barn.
The programs are free, but require registration. Individual registration links appear below.
The aim is to explore evidence-based nutrition tips that will help improve overall health and empower participants to lead a more energetic, fulfilling life.
Before sessions, participants can submit questions anonymously for the sake of their privacy and comfort.
Topics for the five sessions (all but one on Wednesday evenings) are:
April 26 — Gastroenterology Issues. Register here.
May 3 — Sports Nutrition for Children and Adults. Register here.
May 10 — Menopause and Aging. Register here.
May 20 — Intuitive Eating. This is the Saturday session, taking place at Lachat's Spring Renewal Fair. Register here.
May 24 — Nutrition and Immunity. Register here.