State Defrays Some Police Camera Costs

State Senator Ceci Maher announced that Weston will receive $41,264 from the state to defray a portion of costs for police body and dash camera systems, which are already up and running in town. The announcement followed action by the state Bond Commission.

“Thank you to all those who worked hard to help secure these funds,” said Senator Maher, also thanking Governor Ned Lamont and the Bond Commission. “Body and dash camera funding helps make our already safe communities even more secure for both residents and law enforcement.”

Weston Police Commission chair Beth Gralnick said, “The use of body and dash cameras is an important part of effective community policing in Weston. The Police Commission is pleased that we will receive a reimbursement from the state to help defray costs to the town.”

Weston police have long favored the acquisition of the equipment, which also requires systems or services to store and retrieve footage. The equipment comes at significant cost to towns, but any choice in the matter was taken out of local hands by a mandate in the Police Accountability Act that became law in 2020.

“Body cameras have been proven to provide both police and civilians with a valuable resource that benefits public safety,” said Governor Lamont in a statement. “I am glad that the state could partner with these towns to get this funding approved.”