Water Study Committee Launches, Members Sought

Two seats are open to the public on a committee recently formed at Town Hall to research Weston groundwater and educate the town about how to protect it.
By April 15, those interested in serving can email committee co-chairs Jeff Farr and Joe Stromwall.
“Weston’s most important asset is its groundwater,” said Mr. Farr. “The committee's goal is to rally the community to its continued protection.”
Ideally, candidates have professional experience in chemistry, biology, civil or environmental engineering, public relations, marketing communications, or adult education.
Also welcome are those with experience in construction, maintenance and testing of water wells and septic systems, college course work in biology, chemistry, or environmental sciences, and those who have previously served on the Conservation Commission, Planning and Zoning Commission, or Sustainability Committee.
Mr. Farr and Mr. Stromwall will interview candidates and eventually submit information to the Board of Selectmen, who will appoint two committee members from the public.
Three other seats on the seven-member Weston Water Committee will be members of the Conservation Commission, Planning and Zoning Commission, and Sustainable Weston. They will be selected by the chairs of those boards, ideally tenured members who are knowledgeable about Weston’s groundwater and interested in protecting it.
The remaining two seats are occupied by the co-chairs, Mr. Farr representing the Board of Finance, Mr. Stromwall the Building Committee.
In its work, the committee will be supported by advisors from Town government, the Aspetuck Health District, and various State agencies.