Kiwanis Super Bowl Parties Support Veterans

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On Super Bowl Sunday, Weston’s Kiwanis Club sponsored Super Bowl parties for male veterans living at the Bridgeport “Homes For The Brave” site and female veterans living at the Bridgeport “Forgotten Heroes” site.

Kiwanis Club members gathered at the Norfield Church parking lot to accept prepared food donations from Weston residents. The outpouring of support for our veterans was extraordinary. Among the treats provided by Westonites were mac and cheese, sausage and peppers, ham, brownies, fruits and vegetables. The Bridgeport Kiwanis Club provided sodas and water.

“Homes For The Brave” and “Forgotten Heroes” help veterans by meeting their needs for a safe, secure home, adequate food, and by empowering residents to move forward with their long-term goals: obtaining permanent housing, achieving financial stability, and working toward greater self-determination. Each resident works with a case manager to develop personal, housing, and employment goals.

Next up for Kiwanis is Weston’s Green Up Day and supporting the Weston PTOs’ Memorial Day weekend fair. The club is dedicated to serving children, families and the community at large. Through a combination of service and philanthropic fundraising, the club supports worthy causes in the community and surrounding areas. The club meets each Saturday from September through June for breakfast at the Norfield Church Parish Hall. Kiwanis gathers at 8:15 am with meetings running from 8:30 to 10:00 am. If you’re interested in helping people, especially children, consider this an invitation to attend a meeting. Breakfast is on us.

In the photo above, left to right: Kiwanians Judy Stripp, Billy Arce, Barbara Gross, Steve Thomas, Frank Ferrara, and Dan Baker.