Authors to Discuss “Egypt’s Golden Couple”

A fascinating period in the fascinating history of Egypt is the topic of a talk at the Weston History & Culture Center on Saturday, February 25.
Egyptologists John and Colleen Darnell discuss and sign copies of their new book, “Egypt’s Golden Couple: When Akhenaten and Nefertiti Were Gods on Earth.”
The golden couple’s son, Tutankhamun (King Tut), is far better known since the discovery of his tomb 100 years ago. But in terms of historical significance, his parents are far more impactful, intriguing, and controversial. Their reign transformed religion, politics, art, architecture, and virtually every aspect of Egyptian society.
The event, cohosted by the Weston History & Culture Center and Friends of the Weston Public Library, starts at 3:00. It is free, but space is limited, so registration is recommended. More information can be found at

Dr. John Coleman Darnell is Professor of Egyptology in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Yale University, Director of the Elkab Desert Survey Project, and Curator of Anthropology at the Yale Peabody Museum. An expedition he led in 2017 discovered the earliest monumental hieroglyphic inscription, one of the top ten discoveries of that year in archaeology.
Dr. Colleen Darnell teaches art history at Naugatuck Valley Community College and has recently appeared in several episodes of National Geographic’s “Lost Treasures of Egypt.” In 2018, the couple published The Ancient Egyptian Netherworld Books (Writings from the Ancient World), the first complete English translation of the texts in the New Kingdom tombs in the Valley of the Kings.