Kiwanis Food Drive Collects Truckloads

Contributed photo
Weston Kiwanis Club members were out in full force on Saturday, January 21, collecting food and personal care products for clients of the Weston Food Pantry.
Club members reached out to shoppers at Lily’s Weston Market and the Weston Pharmacy. As always, Weston residents were very generous. Parents and their children donated over two pick-up truckloads of shelf stable food items and personal care products to help their neighbors.
Those who want to contribute even more to the Food Pantry can always do so. Donations of nonperishable shelf-stable food, toiletry items, and cat and dog food can be dropped off on Fridays between 4:00 and 5:00 pm.
The Pantry is now located in the basement of Emmanuel Church, 285 Lyons Plain Road. Donations can also be made at Camelot Real Estate in the shopping center, seven days a week during business hours.
Financial donations can be made via Venmo @Weston-Foodpantry or by check payable to the Weston Food Pantry and mailed to 26 Riverfield Drive, Weston CT 06883.
Next up for the Kiwanis Club is the Super Bowl Party the club sponsors for male veterans residing at the Bridgeport location of Homes for the Brave and female veterans living at the Forgotten Heroes site in Bridgeport.
In the photo above, left to right: Kiwanis member Ed Hutchins, Weston Food Pantry president Anne Bigin, Kiwanians Amy Jenner, Dallas Kersey, Woody Bliss, and Tom Failla.
Weston Kiwanis is dedicated to serving children, families and the community at large. Through a combination of community service and philanthropy, the club supports worthy causes in Weston and surrounding areas. The club meets each Saturday at Norfield Church Parish Hall from September through June to plan community service activities and enjoy breakfast. Members gather at 8:15 am. Meetings run from 8:30 to 10:00. Those interested in helping people, especially children, can consider this an invitation to attend a meeting.