Kiwanis Food Drive Set for January 21

Weston’s Kiwanis Club is sponsoring a food and personal care products drive on Saturday, January 21st at the Weston Shopping Center for the benefit of Weston Food Pantry clients. The event provides Westonites with the opportunity to help their neighbors in need.
Kiwanians will be at the shopping center from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm collecting food products at Lily’s Weston Market and personal care products at the Weston Pharmacy.
Fall was a busy time for the club. In late October Weston Kiwanis sponsored its 11th annual Reservoir Run half marathon and 5K foot races, the club’s signature fundraiser. Registrations in 2022 totaled a record 564 runners.
One of the event’s beneficiaries is the Weston High School Booster Club’s Leadership Circle training program at Weston High School. Kiwanis Club members also read to students at Hooker Elementary School in Bridgeport, distributed food to clients of Open Doors in Norwalk, and passed out treat bags at the Weston Women’s League “Trunk or Treat” event.
Weston Kiwanis is dedicated to serving children. Through a combination of community service and philanthropy, the club supports worthy causes in Weston and neighboring communities. The club has donated over $850,000 since 2000 to help children. Weston Kiwanis meets each Saturday at the Norfield Church Parish Hall. Meetings begin at 8:30 AM. Those interested in helping people in need can consider this an invitation to attend a meeting.
In the photo above, from left to right at the Kiwanis Food Drive in November: Ed Hutchins of Weston Kiwanis, Key Club member Charlotte Carter, Carl Urbania and Deusdedi Merced of Weston Kiwanis.