Police Toy Drive Delivers, Still Running

Contributed photo

The initial Humvee-full of toys for this year’s holiday season was delivered to Danbury’s Early Childhood Center on Tuesday by Sergeant Patrick Daubert, all part of the Weston Police Benevolent Association’s annual toy drive.

On Saturday at the shopping center, the drive featured a “Stuff a Police Humvee” event that drew a warm response from the community.

The toy drive continues through the 20th. Donations can be dropped off in the Police Department lobby, across the lot from the Library. The Early Childhood Center is a preschool designed and built to educate children with special needs.

The school still needs “Little Tikes” type plastic playground equipment and lightly used children’s clothes and winter coats of all sizes.

Other toys most helpful are “cause and effect” items made for preschool age children that are interactive and stimulate thought and motor skills. Play-Doh, clay, paint, construction paper, and balls are always put to good use.

A few photos from Saturday’s “Stuff a Police Humvee” event appear below.

For more information about the PBA Holiday Toy Drive, please contact Weston Police Sergeant Patrick Daubert by email to pdaubert@westonpolice.com.

Sgt. Daubert got an assist from Tyler Umhoefer, Cameron Collins, and Daniel Carter.

With a couple of hours yet to go, the Humvee was already filling up.

Left to right, Sgt. Daubert with Sgt. Joe Miceli and Officers Carlos DeJesus and Jason Heibeck.