Kiwanis Drive Supports the Food Pantry

Members of the Weston Kiwanis Club were out in force at the shopping center on November 19, greeted by snow on the ground and temperatures in the mid-20s, but also by shoppers from Lily’s Weston Market and the Weston Pharmacy.

The effort was a collection of non-perishable food and healthcare products to benefit clients of the Weston Food Pantry. Kiwanians were joined by members of the Weston High School Key Club. Westonites demonstrated their natural generosity, assuring the Food Pantry will be well-stocked for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.

The Food Pantry helps families in Weston with food insecurities by providing free, non-perishable foods to supplement their weekly need. The Pantry is organized and staffed by volunteers. Over 70 Weston families qualify for its services.

The Food Pantry has a new location, now in the basement of Emmanuel Church, 285 Lyons Plain Road. Nonperishable shelf-stable food, toiletry items, and cat and dog food donations can be dropped off on Friday afternoons between 4:00 and 5:00.

Donations can also be dropped off at Camelot Real Estate, in the Weston shopping center, seven days a week during business hours. Financial donations can be made via Venmo to @Weston-Foodpantry or by check payable to the Weston Food Pantry and mailed to 26 Riverfield Drive, Weston CT 06883.

Weston Kiwanis is dedicated to serving children, families, and the community at large. Through a combination of service and philanthropic fundraising, the club supports worthy causes in the community and surrounding areas. Since 2000, the club has donated countless hours of service and more than $850,000 in contributions through its foundation.

The club meets for breakfast at the Norfield Church Parish Hall every Saturday from September through June. Members gather at 8:15 am, meetings run from 8:30 to 10:00, almost always with interesting guest speakers. Those interested in helping the community, especially children, have an open invitation to attend a meeting. The first breakfast is on the club.

In the photo above, from left to right: Bill Austin, Anne Bigin (Weston Food Pantry president), Steve Thomas, Barbara Gross, Sophia Forte, Dallas Kersey (Weston Kiwanis president), Pam Kersey.