Company Stages Shakespeare Comedy

Graphics by Matthew Gladstone

Weston High School Company brings the woodland fairy magic of Shakespeare’s comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream to life on stage November 11–13.

Join the audience of the Athenian court as they prepare for Theseus (June Skodis, ‘23) and Hippolyta’s (Mattie Lawler, ‘23) wedding, but tread lightly! You might find yourself whisked into the magic of the mischievous fairy court, as you run away with unrequited lovers Hermia (Dylan Schwartz, ‘24), Lysander (Billy Stammer, ‘24), Helena (Kennedy Boehme, ‘23), and Demetrius (Brian Lombardi ‘23).

Witness the well-meaning, but impish fairy, Puck (Riley Dize, ‘24), wreak havoc on the lovers in the woods, while a troupe of merry actors (Grace Forte, ‘24; Paige Latham, ‘25; Lily Moskoff, ‘26; Bill Austin, ‘25; Alyssa Pignataro ‘24; Avery MacRae ‘25) stumble through a hilarious rendition of a play-within-a-play to entertain all in a final happily-mostly-after.

Steal away from thine own company for a while to sort out the magical mischief woven by The Bard on Friday, November 11 at 7:00 pm, Saturday, November 12 and Sunday, November 13 at 3:00 pm.

Tickets will be on sale very soon at