Communications Center Renovated

Director Larry Roberts in the Communications Center
Weston’s vital emergency communications center is completely renovated, thanks to efforts by volunteers who pitched in labor, including director Larry Roberts, residents, Town facility staff, and members of the Weston Volunteer Fire Department.
When we visited the dispatch center four years ago, the place was a dilapidated mess, with exposed block walls, beat up furnishings, old equipment, and massive tangles of wiring throughout. The place was sweltering hot in summer and numbingly cold in winter.
Since then, the leaky roof was replaced as a small part of the large project two years ago to improve public safety facilities. New consoles were installed some time later. In the past few months, dispatchers worked in a temporary space at the firehouse while the communication center’s interior was renovated by the volunteers.
Our recent visit to the communications center showed a facility vastly improved from the one we saw in 2018, as demonstrated by a couple of before-shots below.

Mr. Roberts with Police Chief Ed Henion

In 2018:

Photos: Weston Today