Ground Broken at Lachat for New Center

Friends of Lachat broke ground on Sunday for the farm’s new Daniel E. Offutt Education Center. A brief video of the ceremony appears below, followed by photos.

Friends president Carol Baldwin, assisted by First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor and flanked by Lachat stalwart Ellen McCormick and architect Rob Sanders, put the first shovel in the ground after a large excavator made the ceremonial opening dig.

Ms. Baldwin paid tribute to the individuals and families who supported the project in honor of lost friends and loved ones, including the parents of the late Selectman Brian Gordon, who were in attendance. The day happened to be Mr. Gordon’s birthday.

“We will leave a legacy for the town forever,” said Ms. Baldwin.

“A building is faith in the future,” said Mr. Sanders, “and faith in the community. What we do now is a landmark that guides the community forward.”