Weston Warm-Up Offers Help, Asks for Some Too

The Weston Warm-Up Fund stands ready to assist residents whose heating bills accumulated over the winter and became burdensome.

The Fund, which has always received strong support from the community, continues to rely on that support.

Applications for assistance from Weston Warm-Up are open now through May 1. Information about eligibility, FAQs, and an application form can be found online at westonwarmup.com. Applicants can also begin the process by contacting Weston Social Services Director Allison Lisbon at (203) 222-2663.

On the same page, a donation button is there for those who would like to help out. Weston Warm-Up distributes all available funds and expects, given increasing costs for home heating oil, that requests for assistance will be high.

Since 1981, the 501(c)(3) Weston Warm-Up Fund has helped families, individuals, and senior citizens stay warm during the winter. The Fund helps Weston residents pay for oil, gas, or electricity, repair or replace defective heating equipment, and make home improvements to improve energy efficiency.