Kiwanis Donates to Connecticut Foodshare

Photo: Jim McMorris
At its weekly Saturday morning meeting on March 19, Weston Kiwanis presented a check for $12,000 to Connecticut Foodshare, proceeds from the club’s annual Reservoir Run.
The donation brings the Weston Kiwanis total over the past six years to $65,000, all to help fulfill a vision of “a thriving community free of hunger.”
Connecticut Foodshare came into being from a merger in early 2021 of Foodshare and the Connecticut Food Bank, the state’s two largest nonprofit anti-hunger organizations. With forces combined, the organization provides resources to more than 700 partners, including food pantries, meal programs, and mobile distributions.
In the photo above, the check presentation. Left to right, Denise Murillo, president of Weston Kiwanis, Beverly Catchpole, Chief Giving Officer of Connecticut Foodshare, Arlene Putterman, the organization’s Secretary, and Bill Barron, chairman of the Weston Kiwanis Foundation.
There are many opportunities for volunteers and donors to join Connecticut Foodshare in making a difference in the state. More information about the organization can be found here.