Haskell Recognized for Student Debt Legislation

State Senator Will Haskell won national recognition on November 18 in the 2021 Ideas Challenge competition held by the NewDEAL organization.

Senator Haskell won in the organization’s “Expanding Access to Education” category for his sponsorship of Connecticut’s Student Loan Repayment Tax Credit legislation, which provides a corporate tax credit for businesses that help employees pay off student loans.

The legislation, enacted in 2019, takes effect in January. It earned broad support on a bipartisan basis and from the business community. The competition category included measures that promote opportunities from early childhood to post-secondary education to put students on a path to college and career success.

“This is such an unexpected honor,” said Senator Haskell. “I really appreciate the NewDEAL highlighting our work to combat student debt in Connecticut. I can’t wait to see the credit become available this January, helping entice graduates to launch their careers in our state.”

“Astronomical student loan debt,” he said, “holds students and recent graduates back, delaying the launch of a small business, the purchase of a first home and the start of a family. I’m proud that we were able to work across the aisle in revitalizing our economy and making higher education more affordable.”

The NewDEAL (Developing Exceptional American Leaders) organization supports state and local elected leaders through the exchange of ideas and engagement with other top public, private, and non-profit sector officials. U.S. Senator Chris Coons (Delaware), U.S. Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (Washington State), and Columbia, South Carolina Mayor Steve Benjamin serve as honorary co-chairs.

In the organization’s fifth annual Ideas Challenge competition, policy experts voted for proposals that would best improve economic well-being, overall quality of life, and make government work more effectively to meet community needs.