Menorah Lighting, Chanukah Crafts, November 28

Weston’s annual Community Menorah Lighting Celebration takes place this year at 7:00 on Sunday evening, November 28 at Weston Shopping Center.

The celebration, led by Rabbi Levi Stone of the Schneerson Center for Jewish Life, features live music, individually wrapped cookies, gelt, and dreidels. All are welcome.

Earlier in the day, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, families and children are invited to participate in Chanukah crafts and dreidel decorating at Sono Collection, 100 North Water Street in Norwalk.

The event, in the Magnificent Room (by Nordstrom), includes a reading corner, music, menorah decorating, and gelt and dreidels for everyone. Sponsored by the Schneerson Center and Beth Israel Chabad of Norwalk, it is free and open for all.

For more information, call (203) 635-4118. You can also reserve crafts materials for your family at

Contributed photo: Children from Fairfield County color Chanukah suncatchers and decorate menorahs.