Veterans Day Observed

Weston veterans were honored at a ceremony organized by the Town’s Veterans Affairs Committee at the Memorial Garden on November 11.

Committee member Ed “Hutch” Hutchins delivered the opening remarks, citing contributions made by veterans of American conflicts whether their military service was “dirty, dangerous, or distant.”

The National Anthem was sung, Emmanuel Episcopal Church Rector Katy Piazza provided the invocation, and First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor delivered an address.

Weston’s Girl Scouts Daisy troop, led by Jennifer DiDonato, created greeting cards for the veterans, which were presented to those attending by Veterans Committee member Jon Dillon.

Earlier, Weston High School American Heroes Club members Noel Villepigue, Dylan Mondrus, and Life Boy Scout Bruce Matos had placed an array of American flags at the Memorial Garden in front of the Library.

Hutch Hutchins

Rev. Katy Piazza

Cards created by the Daisies

Jon Dillon distributes the cards

First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor

Veterans stood for a round of applause