Selectmen, Boards and Commissions Sworn In

Newly-elected and reelected members of Weston boards and commissions were sworn in by Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz at the Town Hall gazebo on November 9.

“I’m so honored to be here in Weston to celebrate public service,” said Ms. Bysiewicz. She thanked those who “stepped up to serve the community” by running for office.

The Lt. Governor also thanked the families of those who take office. “It takes a lot for family members to be supportive and generous as birthdays and soccer games are missed,” she said. Ms. Bysiewicz praised veterans who “make our democracy possible,” and made special note to Board of Education members that there has “never been a more important time” for their service.

State Representative Anne Hughes attended the event, as did two of First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor’s fellow Firsts: Julia Pemberton of Redding and David Bindelglass of Easton.

In her address, Ms. Nestor said of this year’s election, “You didn’t just vote for ideas, you voted for people. And what a fantastic group of people you elected. The board members who were just sworn in represent our best. They also move us towards governing boards that are truly reflective of the makeup of our town.”

“Not only that,” she added, “but today is a historic day for the Weston Board of Selectmen as well, with the election of two Select WOMEN and the first man of color voted onto the Board.”

“I’m proud of the choice this town made and I look forward to working with Martin and Amy to meet the needs of all Westonites. I know that together, we can make this great little town even better, so it’s time to get to work.”