Play Ball For All and Community Pitch In

A Sunday morning curbside food collection by Weston’s Play Ball For All program on October 31 brought in much-needed stock for the Weston Food Pantry.

The main mission of Play Ball For All is to bring the game of baseball and its supporting life skills to community and underserved youth from nearby towns. Teen mentors from Weston High School sports teams are assisted by volunteer coaches.

In the past year, the program has also developed and implemented off-the-field community “pitch in” projects like the Halloween food drive.

Program founder Bob Barasch thanked the community “for their generous support in making this event a success” and noted that teen mentors Luke Barasch, Evan Cavicchia, Chris Komar, Charlie Levy, Chris Amato, Michael Amato, Timmy Amato, Sam Hensinger, and Ben Landesman were on hand to make it all come together.