An Official Welcome for Weston Pharmacy

The new Weston Pharmacy was officially welcomed in an event hosted by State Senator Tony Hwang and First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor on Saturday, October 30.
State Representative Anne Hughes also attended, as did other merchants in the Weston Shopping Center.
It is the season for flu shots, and the pharmacy offers them. First Selectwoman Nestor and Senator Hwang availed themselves of the opportunity.
The pharmacy’s owners, Weston residents Ken and Susan Lee, were hailed by Senator Hwang. “This is a family-owned business,” he said. “And it’s a locally owned business. We love that, today, we can share with the broader community that we support our residents, our local businesses, and the Weston Shopping Center.”
Ms. Nestor said, “To have Westonites invest their time, energy, and money into providing services for our community is the best testament anyone can make to show how much they love our town.”
To the Lees, she said, “I hope your opening also inspires the community to support all the stores in the shopping center.”
Rep. Hughes, who is vice chair of the Legislature’s Aging Committee, said, “I can’t tell you how important it is to have a local pharmacy that knows its customers, especially for our aging community, so they can rely on somebody they trust for their medications, and so they can be safe and stay healthy.”
Mr. Lee said he is “grateful for all the support from the community and the other merchants here. Together, we can make this center strong again.”
In the photo above, the First Selectwoman brought Town Hall’s official giant scissors, but wrapping paper had to suffice as a ribbon, which was cut by Ms. Nestor, Senator Hwang, and Ken and Susan Lee, assisted by their children and Representative Hughes.