Scenes from Founders Day

Posing for the traditional town selfie

Weston celebrated the town’s 234th birthday on October 11 at the Founders Day event hosted by WestonArts.

Outdoors, there was food, art, music by the Karl Schulz Trio and Chris Coogan, activities, and the now-traditional town selfie. Inside, two prominent residents who passed this year were honored and remembered.

In a video (presented below), Tim Douglas, who as a child appeared in Harvey Bellin’s “The Outlivers,” fondly remembers Mr. Bellin. The second video salutes his career.

In person, Frank Converse, a friend of both Mr. Bellin and the late Christopher Plummer, reminisced about both men and their lives. The third video below is a tribute to Mr. Plummer, shown on Founders Day.

On the Green, the WHS Westones sang “Imagine,” Scouts raised the flag, people visited booths and painted Stars of Hope. First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor proclaimed “Masters of the Marker Day,” honoring the young artists of the popular “At Least We Tried” booth at the Fine Arts Festival, who brought in a lot of money and gave it to good causes.

The First Selectwoman called out Elizabeth Akolzina, Reese Axelrod, Massimo Capelli, Lucia Fraboni, Kennedy Jacobs-Skolik, Adriana Long, Ava Long, Alana Ribaudo, Perri Schleef, Peyton Schleef, Chloe Worrell, Rhett Zovich, and Talin Zovich as stars of the Festival and dubbed each a Master of the Marker.


Ground photos in the slideshow below by Debbie Rehr and Weston Today. From the sky, Namuk Cho.

Tributes to Harvey Bellin

A tribute to Christopher Plummer