Play Ball For All Scores with Summer Youth Clinic

On July 24, Weston’s “Play Ball For All” hosted a summer youth baseball and bonding clinic to benefit youth from the Child Guidance Center Of Mid Fairfield County.

The clinic was run by Weston teen mentors who spent the afternoon sharing skills training and having fun with the group. The event finished with a team picnic supplied by Chick-Fil-A of Norwalk. The group will also attend a New York Mets game with several Weston mentors in early August, compliments of SNY network.

Play Ball For All has been running for several years now, a unique combination of Weston coaches assisted by Weston athletes who act as mentors. The idea is to bring the game of baseball and its supporting life skills to underserved and community-based young people.

For the teen athletes who mentor, the program offers early leadership opportunities, promotes the value of volunteerism, spurs community baseball, and brings awareness to local youth causes.

Bob Barasch, who founded the program, said, “We appreciate the mentors sharing their skills with this engaged group of young kids.” The teen mentors in July’s program were Luke Dionian, Luke Barasch, Sam Landesman, Ben Landesman, Sam Hensinger, Evan Cavicchia, Chris Amato, Michael Amato, and Timmy Amato. The coaches were Mike Komar and Mr. Barasch.