Mask Requirements to Ease, May 19

“Connecticut is one of the most vaccinated states in the nation,” declared Governor Ned Lamont, confirming that new mask rules go into effect on Wednesday, May 19.

Masks will not be required for anyone outdoors.

Indoors, masks are not mandatory if you have been vaccinated. If you have not, masks are still required.

“If you have not yet been vaccinated, I strongly recommend that you get vaccinated as soon as possible,” said the governor.

Nearby vaccine providers can be found on

A list of walk-up clinics that do not require appointments in advance can be found at Locally, two pharmacies in Norwalk are currently active.

If you have questions or know someone without internet access, Connecticut’s COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment Assist Line can be reached at (877) 918-2224.

Businesses have a say

Businesses, government offices, and events have the right to require masks to be worn. They will still be required in certain places: healthcare facilities, those housing vulnerable populations, public and private transit, correctional institutions, schools, and childcare providers.

Mr. Lamont said the Department of Public Health will issue recommendations on May 19 about mask wearing for businesses, large gatherings and events, and other settings, including those where masks may continue to be required.

Other than that, all of the Covid-19 rules for businesses will be lifted on the 19th.

Vaccinations by age group

As of today, according to the Department of Public Health, vaccinations in Connecticut by age group are as follows:

92 percent of those over the age of 65
81 percent of those between 55-64
69 percent of those between 45-54
62 percent of those between 35-44
53 percent of those between 25-34
48 percent of those between 18-24
52 percent of those between 16-18
12 percent of those between 12-15

“I couldn’t be more proud of the people of our state who have made the commonsense decision to be vaccinated,” said Governor Lamont. He also saluted “all of our healthcare workers who have done an incredible job rolling the vaccine out as quickly as possible.”