Affordable Housing Workshop Set for April 19
The Planning and Zoning Commission meets on Monday evening, April 19, for a special public workshop about the developing affordable housing plan. It starts at 7:30.
Consultants from SLR — formerly known as Milone & MacBroom — will present background information, insight about State requirements, and the progress to-date of the housing study they are conducting for P&Z.
They will also discuss results from the recent townwide survey about views Weston residents have about affordable housing in town. More than 1,500 residents completed the survey.
The workshop will be interactive. You will be polled on a series of generic questions to give P&Z more insight about your views.
This is the Zoom information for Monday’s workshop:
By telephone: (646) 558-8656
Webinar ID: 850 9003 0737
Passcode: 741831
The slideshow below is a preview of the meeting. If you plan to attend, P&Z chair Ken Edgar encourages you to go through it before Monday’s workshop.
You can download all the slides in a single PDF document.
Several applicable documents can be found on the Town website.
Information from SLR about Weston’s Affordable Housing Plan can be found here.