A Patriots’s Day “Rendezvous with Rachel Revere”

Portraits of Paul Revere and Rachel Revere

On Friday evening, April 16, the Drum Hill chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution host a program about Rachel Revere, wife of Paul Revere, whose legendary midnight ride is commemorated every April on Patriots’ Day.

The Zoom program, “Rendezvous with Rachel Revere,” starts at 7:00 pm. You can register here.

About the event

Patriots’ Day is celebrated in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and other states on the third Monday of April, near the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord, site of “the shots heard ‘round the world.”

“Rendezvous with Rachel Revere” features History At Play artistic director Judith Kalaora portraying Rachel Revere.

According to Drum Hill DAR, by May of 1775 Rachel Revere had only heard once from her husband since his midnight ride, as the Siege of Boston kept them apart.

She developed plans to take her children — six-step children from Paul’s first marriage plus a newborn baby — to safety, away from the reach of the British Regular Army. In the program, you will help Rachel, as she considers the dangers and demands of each plan. You will find out if Rachel successfully reunites her family.

A proclamation

In the video below, First Selectman Chris Spaulding proclaims April 19, 2021 as Patriots’ Day in Weston, a time to “remember and pay tribute to the patriots who gave their lives in pursuit of liberty and independence.”