P.E.O. Scholarship Applications Open

Weston’s Chapter P of P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization) announces that scholarships up to $2,500 are available to college-bound women who reside in Weston, Redding or Easton.
Candidates must exhibit excellence in academics, leadership, and extra-curricular activities, plus participation in community service and a demonstrated financial need.
The deadline for applications is April 30. Interviews will be conducted from May 24 to May 28. Notifications of award will be made on June 9.
An application form is available for download here.
About P.E.O.
P.E.O. is one of the oldest women's organizations in North America.
What started as a bond of friendship among seven young women in 1869 has grown to almost 6,000 local chapters with more than 225,000 members. A legacy passed down through generations of women, P.E.O. has deep roots in local communities and reaches to all parts of the globe.
P.E.O. supports women both through friendships and educational scholarships, grants, awards, and loans. Chapter P-Weston has created a Memorial and Honorarium Scholarship Fund to provide assistance to college bound high school senior females in Weston, Easton and Redding.
More information is available on the P.E.O. Chapter P website. You can also contact the chapter by email.