Weston Educators Complete First Vaccine Round

“This is a game changer,” declared Weston Public Schools Superintendent William McKersie today, announcing that, following a second dedicated vaccination clinic, all school district teachers and staff “have had the opportunity for their first vaccination shot.”
The clinics, run in Westport by the Westport Weston Health District, made vaccinations available to educators in Weston, Westport, and the Easton-Redding district. Access will be provided to those who may have missed the scheduled clinics.
“A hopeful spring”
Another set of clinics will take place in early April to administer second doses. Dr. McKersie said this means all school district staff will have had access to full vaccination by the April break.
The vaccinations, said Dr. McKersie, “increase our flexibility” for school modes of operation, managing quarantine lengths, and thus “substantially reduce the chance of having to turn to remote days due to staffing shortages.”
Dr. McKersie called out school district administrators and nurses for their collaboration with Health District staff and counterparts in Westport, Easton, and Redding. “Without their extra effort,” he said, “we would not be on the cusp of a hopeful spring.”